Then about 2:OO in the morning
they go...
Get a doctor.
I ain't never
goin' to sIeep again.
I have to make some money.
How can I make some money
down here?
Why don't you do
what they all do?
Beg. I tried that. but I'm not
realIy proficient in that yet.
Bye-bye. chiIdren. I Iove you.
Have a safe trip.
And remember. this is
a new start. No drinking!
And no drugs!
And above aII. no infideIity!
Shut up!
I didn't say that much.
Take it easy.
Can you beIieve that in
the middIe of all this fiIth...
two Lost souls could find
some smail shred of happiness?
Happiness? What a crock.
See you after the honeymoon.
Lady! You got a job.
you keep it!
Don't make my mistake.
You had a job?