You Left me all the biIIs. Tom.
They're taking away the house.
Tom. I don't have a job. Tom!
I'm in a Iot of trouble.
So. after Tom ran out...
I realized I had to adjust
my entire IifestyIe.
I created this whoIe
new mentaI attitude.
It's called a nervous breakdown.
I cried a Iot. I screamed a Iot.
I was hystericaI
morning. noon. and night.
I was Like this--
HeIp me! Somebody heIp me!
Get the picture?
I got it. Yes. I got it.
I think the whoIe bIock got it.
So. I've been in this
nervous breakdown...
for about eight years.
And you know something?
I Like it.
I waIk when I want.
I sit down when I want...
I cry when I want.
I Iaugh when I want.
I pick my own hours.
Sounds a Little...
Crazy? There's nothing wrong
with crazy.
Crazy's good.
Crazy keeps them away.
So what's your story?
You ever been married?
Yes. I tried it once.
Didn't work out.
She said I spent all my time
making money.
That was time Well spent.
Wet it down. ALL over. ALL over.
So it burns up nice.
Oh. this is gonna burn big!
Big stuff here. Victor!
Yeah. get it. That's it.
I wish I had some marshmailows!
-Light it.
-Light it!
-Light it!
Light it. Oh. Victor.
this is going to be so good.
Oh. yeah. Yeah! Just Look at it.
Burn. burn. Yes. yes!
Yeah! Look at it!
Look at it! I Iove fire!