-She won't fooI with us no more.
-We should go now. Victor.
What was that all about?
Hey. it's my pIace!
My stuff!
Shall I call
the fire department?
It's just a bunch of junk.
I'm gonna get those bastards.
Come over here. I want you
to get Mean Victor and Yo...
and get them to chase you down
here to this Chinese restaurant.
Then I want you
to run through this door...
and Iock it behind you.
Now. if you Iock it.
you're safe.
We'll do the rest.
Can you do this?
May I propose an aIternative?
-Why don't we sue?
You may be
the weak Iink in this.
You know what to do
when you get to the kitchen.
Weak Iink.