It's raining.
I Iove the rain.
It washes all the fiIth
out of the city.
Speaking of fiIth...
where would Goddard Bolt go
on a night Like this?
Well. if it were very bad.
he'd go to the mission...
with the other dereIicts.
It's a shame--
it's a rotten shame--
that these people
have to Live Like this...
aIways on the edge
of llncertainty.
Any chance of getting
that mission cIosed tonight?
-Very good idea. sir.
-Thank you.
It's coming down harder.
What the heck's going on?
We're getting fIooded out.
Come on. Come on. Let's go.
Oh. man!
Look out. SaiIor.
Well. there goes
the neighborhood.
Oh. this is bad.
The rain aIways
kicks up my collgh.
We'd better get to the mission.
Look out.