I'm interrllpting. aren't I?
Yeah. I should go.
I should go.
because this is wrong.
It's stllpid. It's wrong.
It's moraIIy
and ethically wrong...
for me to even be here.
isn't it?
Because we all know
that your cIient...
onIy has two days to go
to win the bet.
Looks Like he's going to win it.
Therefore. I have no bllsiness...
even being here. do I?
I'm just gonna pllt it simpIy.
Would you consider...
betraying the man for whom
You've worked ten years...
in exchange for--
how do you say this--
just a shitIoad of money?
I made it.
I can't beIieve it. I made it.
My Last day.
No more fiIthy cIothes.
no more eating garbage...
no more sIeeping in the cold.
Thank you. Thank you. God.
I'm sorry I didn't beIieve
in you when I was rich.
I did it! I did it!
Where did he do it?
Not arollnd here. I hope.
MoIIy! MoIIy! MoIIy!
Champagne! Champagne!
-I stoIe it.
It's OK. I Left
an I.O.U. for $1 .000.
Here. Here. HeIp me ceIebrate.
CeIebrate what?
-I won the bet.
-What bet?
The bet! The bet!
When you find out about it
it's going to make you...
the happiest person
in the world. Here.
-Here's to happy.
-No. no. I don't Like happy.
Happy's no good.
Happy doesn't Last.
I Like depressed. Depressed
stays with you for a whiIe.