Little Man Tate

Hey, turn that up. It's a good one.
Wait a minute. Get your shoes on.
There you go.

Getting heavy.
Care to cut a rug, handsome?

Huh? Remember how I showed you?
This one calls himself Joey X
but his real name is Joseph Zimmerman.

12 years old. Experimental painter.
He's currently working
on a $200,000 commission...

...for Hiroshi Electronics
corporate headquarters in Tokyo.

- What does he call this painting?
- "Irony".

Write him down, please.
Cherry Reynolds. 10 years old. Just
published a volume of feminist poetry.

In the preface, she refers to
the American housewife as, and I quote...

..."A pathetic slamhound with
no notion of self-worth whatsoever."

- Whatever I pay you, it's not enough.
- True.

Fred Tate. Seven years old. Second
grader at Eisenhower Elementary School.

He writes poetry, paints in oils and water,
plays the piano at competition level...

...all the while maintaining
unlimited skills in math and physics.

I can't explain it, Jane.
It's not so much what he knows, but...
...what he understands.
