Fred, what's the cube root of 3,796,466?
- Correct.
What number has
the following peculiarity?
That if its cube were added
to five times its square...
...and from the result 42 times
the number and 40 is subtracted...
...the remainder is nothing.
- The telescope moves all by itself.
- Yeah?
Just like the earth does.
- And you know what else?
- What?
- On Friday, we're going to Jane's ranch.
- It sounds like you're having lots of fun.
Miss you, though. Miss you big.
- Me too.
- Go back to sleep.
- OK. Night, Dede.
- Good night.
What are you looking at, lepton?
All right, now who has a song?
When I was a girl, we used to sing
Liebesliederwalzer on our car trips. Hm?
"Nein, es ist nicht. "
auszukommen mit den Leuten
auszukommen mit den Leuten
auszukommen mit den Leuten
My great-great-grandparents built
this house after the Civil War.