Fred, I'll meet you outside
on the steps right after class.
- All right?
- Mm.
Good luck.
Come on. Let's sit you down in the front.
Would you mind sitting over there,
All right.
Let's all calm down and shut up...
...so we can start getting
Dad's money's worth.
Now, for those of you who may be lost...
...the name of this class is Phys 105.
Quantum physics. Not physical education.
All right. Everybody in the right place?
Goddamn college kids.
Used to be young people respected other
people's property. You could trust 'em.
Now, they come down here
on vacation and they trash the place.
What do they care?
It's not their house. Damn brats.
Then on top of that I got five
undercover ABC guys circulating.
- The network?
- Alcoholic Beverage Control, Gina.
Half my clientele on this
particular evening is underage.
How am I supposed to know this?
my liquor licence is now toilet paper.
Wait a second.
You sayin' you're not gonna do the show?
Don't tell me we came
all the way down here for nothin'.
Oh, boy.