- Come on, people. This is for charity.
- 70.
All right, I have 70. Do I hear 80?
I said 1,000, you racist frat-head.
Come on, mister. This is for charity.
What charity's that?
The Inter-Geek Recreation Center?
That should change a few lives.
Get outta my face, you jughead.
Hey, wait a minute.
Excuse me, fellas.
- Eddie, you killed him.
- I wasn't even aimin' for him.
- Besides, what's a kid doin' out here?
- He's not a kid!
Get away from him.
Oh, God. Not again.
Fred! Fred?
Oh, Fred.
- This is called a sphygmomanometer.
- It is?
- Hello.
- Hey, Jane. Let me talk to Fred.
Dede. How are you?
Just peachy. Now where's Fred, huh?
- How many fingers?
- Two.
- He can't talk right now.
- How come?
- He's taking a nap.
- So wake him up.
- I wanna hear about his first day.
- He's very tired, Dede.
Cut the shit, Jane.
Put the kid on the goddamn phone.
Here he is.
Now, Fred. You don't wanna get
your mother all upset over nothing. Hm?
Hi, Dede.
Jane was late picking me up
and I got hit on the head with a globe.