With me here to answer that
are two distinguished academics...
...and several bright kids...
...from the best schools around
the country. Welcome, everybody.
Now, children, do you read books
or watch television like normal kids?
I'm working on experiments involving
lasers, sulphuric acid and butterflies.
I'm designing a summerhouse
for my parents.
- I bring in the mail.
- You bring in the mail?
God, you look like hell, kid.
Well... Fred, we do many things together.
We go to museums, we go to the opera.
He writes letters to his Romanian pen pal.
These books are fake.
Fred, as I understand it,
you're a poet, a painter, a musician...
...and what I guess one could call a...
- Marco!
- Polo.
Now, with all that under that
tiny little belt of yours...
...what would you like
to be when you grow up?
- A fireman.
- A fireman.
That's a pretty normal profession
for such a... how shall I put it...
...an unusual boy like yourself.
When I was a boy, our mothers all
wanted us to grow up to be doctors.
My mother's dead.
I, uh... I'm very sorry to hear that.
Well, enough small talk, Fred.
What shall we do for our audience?
I thought maybe you could play the piano
for us and do a few quick calculations?
- No.
- No?
- Mr Buckner...
- I'd like to recite a poem.
Ah, a poem by Fred Tate when
we come back, right after this.
Hey, you guys!