Little Man Tate

I said "This kid's special."
"This kid's gonna be different
and I'm not gonna blow it."

But, um...
...sometimes, uh...
Sometimes I don't know what I'm doin'.
Sometimes I just wing it.

I figure that...
I figure... I love this kid so much...
:38:28's gonna be OK.
And it will.
You'll see.
I love you, Mom.
I love you too, kiddo.
Hi, I'm sorry I'm late, but the cake
took me longer than I thought to make.

Come here, birthday boy!
And incredible as it sounds,
when I turned eight...

...I had the best birthday party ever.
At least, that's the way I remember it.
- Happy birthday, Fred.
- Ooh, look at that!

Even Jane had a good time.
- Thanks, Jane.
- You're welcome.

- Care to cut the rug with me?
- N-no, thank you.
