Why do you ask?
Because if you agree...
I've decided to open a practice in a
bigger town.
In Rouen?
No, not Rouen. Rouen's out of the
In Yonville. It's almost a town.
It's at least four times bigger
than this place.
Are you sure?
If you want to, yes.
We'll start a new life.
I'll have to find new customers.
It'll be easy, I'm sure.
You're a good doctor, everybody
knows that.
Let's not take
Careful, Felicite.
Yes, ma'am.
My wedding bouquet.
- It was pretty.
- Yes.
Are you burning it, ma'am?
We're off...
to a new life.
When they left Tostes in March,
Madame Bovary was pregnant.
Be quiet, M. Homais, you pagan!
You've no religion!
One can worship God in a field...
or by gazing at the stars.
The Hirondelle's late.
My God is the God of Socrates,
Franklin, Beranger...
and Voltaire!
I can't believe in some old God in
his garden...
a stick in his hand, putting up his
friends in whales...
who dies with a croak and revives
three days later.
It's quite absurd...
and opposed to all physical laws.