You must be tired.
Our Hirondelle tosses you around
That's true, but I like being shaken
I like to move about.
It's so gloomy to be stuck in one
M. and Mme Bovary, this is Leon
clerk to our notary, Maitre
This is M. Bovary, our new doctor,
and his wife.
If you were like me, always on
Medical practice isn't too hard in
these parts.
They pay pretty well.
Medically speaking, apart from
of bronchitis, enteritis, etc...
we have fevers at harvest time...
and, of course, scrofula...
due to the peasants' deplorable
You'll have to fight superstition...
a lot of stubbornness...
They often resort...
to prayer, religion and the priest...
rather than coming to see the
doctor or the chemist.
The climate is temperate here.
We're sheltered from the north
wind by the Argueil Forest...
and from the west by St. Jean's
However, this heat...
given off by the river's vapour...
and the herds of cattle...
which exhale ammoniac...
nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen...
Are there any walks here?
Very few.
There's the pasture...
up the hill at the edge of the
I sometimes take a book up there
at sunset.
Nothing's more wonderful than a
Especially at the sea-side.
I love the sea!
Doesn't that expanse uplift your
Mountainscapes can be like that.
In Switzerland, for example...
And music?
I don't play but I like it a lot.