She's been sick.
I have to keep washing her.
Could you ask the grocer to let me
have soap when I need it?
I'll do that.
It's hard getting up at night.
I fall asleep in my chair.
A pound of coffee would last me a
Forgive my insisting...
but my poor husband needs some
I'll rub the baby's tender little
feet with it.
Some Spanish dancers, I forget
their name...
are coming to Rouen.
Will you go?
If I can.
Thank you for your company.
It was a pleasure, a real pleasure.
I'm so bored!
I'm so bored!
When Leon went to the Lion d'Or
to dine...
Mme Bovary trembled on seeing him...
and ordered...
dinner to be served.
Evening all!
M. Homais arrived during dinner.
He'd sit down between them...
and ask about the patients...
while the doctor inquired about
their resources.
Then they discussed the news...
which Homais knew by heart from the
At eight, Justin came for him to shut
up shop.
I think my lad's in love with your maid.
On Sundays, the chemist was host...
with Mme Homais and the children,
Napoleon and Athalie.