It's me!
If only Heaven had desired it!
Why isn't it so?
Who's to blame?
What is it?
M. Lheureux to see you.
M. Lheureux, the draper? What
does he want?
Madame, forgive me disturbing you
at home.
But I'm most distraught at not
having obtained...
your patronage as yet.
My modest shop can't attract...
a true lady of fashion.
I'd like you to knowthat you only
have to order...
and I'll supply all your needs...
in haberdashery, hosiery,
millinery and fancy goods.
I go to Rouen four times a month...
and I work with only the best
If you'll allow me...
I'd like to show you some
that are quite remarkable.
I don't need anything.
Just for the pleasure of looking.
How much is it?
A trifle, a mere trifle.
There's no hurry. Whenever you
We're not Jews!
No, thank you, M. Lheureux.
I require nothing.
Well, we'll reach an understanding
I've always got on well with the
I mean, money doesn't worry me.
I'll even give you some if need be.
I wouldn't have to look far to find
M. Bovary must have many
in this changeable weather.
I feel out of sorts myself.