In my role...
as the paper's correspondent, I'll
write an article.
And articles get talked about. Who
You're a skilful surgeon. I
remember father's leg.
It's not the same thing.
Don't be so modest, Charles.
The family's honour is at stake.
Charles started studying
along with strephypopodia...
and strephanopodia.
A campaign led by M. Homais...
tried to convince Hippolyte to
Perhaps you'll feel a slight pain.
It's just like being bled.
It's nothing to do with me! It's for
you, out of humanity.
To see you rid of that hideous
Wouldn't you like to run like
anyone else?
Women would like you better,
believe me.
You're a man! Suppose you'd had to
fight for France?
Are you all right?
You'll see, it's nothing. He'll just
cut the tendon.
I didn't feel a thing.
See, I told you so.
The operation is a success.