had at last yielded to the
surgeon's art."
Help, M. Bovary!
He's dying!
M. Bovary! Quickly!
He's dying!
What is it?
What's wrong?
It hurts! God, it hurts!
What's wrong?
It's so swollen.
It's nothing. It just needs some
When will I be better? Save me.
Here, drink this. It will do you
Look at my dress. See the...
Charles! How is he?
Getting worse. I don't understand.
Could you go?
Of course, gladly. But I can't cure
Stop thinking. Just get up and
In any case, you smell bad.
I've brought fresh bandages.
My husband's on his way.
Does it hurt?
I lose.
Come for a drink?
You must be brave.
He really stinks.
I'm sure you'll be better soon.