Speak to us!
It's me...
your loving Charles.
Here's your little girl. Kiss her.
No one...
The poor thing.
- She's gone again.
- No, she's sleeping.
The fit's over. What could have
made her faint?
Be careful not to wake her.
One of my friends, Brideux, in
owns a dog that has a fit when it
sniffs a snuff-box.
Isn't that strange?
A fever set in...
and for 43 days, Charles didn't
leave her side...
neglected his patients and stopped
Her strength...
returned when the paths...
were covered with autumn leaves.
Don't tire yourself.
Sit on the bench there.
No, not there!
You'll be all right.
Am I disturbing you? I'm here to
about Emma.
You know you're always welcome.
I was doing my accounts.
I don't know how...
to pay for all the medicine I've
You owe me nothing.
I'm much obliged but I'm
The season hasn't been too good.
I was so busy with the poor dear.
How is she?
A lot better but she still has
short relapses.