We need a competent opinion.
But we don't know anyone.
We do... We could ask Leon.
Yes! That's a good idea.
We'll have to go to Rouen.
I'll write to him.
Charles, this can't be done by
No. Since I have to, I'll go.
You're so good.
The next day, she took the
to consult Leon in Rouen.
She stayed three days.
Three full, gorgeous, superb
days, a real honeymoon.
Don't move. Don't speak.
Look at me.
There's something so soft in your
which does me good.
Child, do you love me?
You'll leave me, you'll marry. Like
the others.
What others?
Other men, of course!
You're all vile.
Do you ever think of Paris?
No. Well... a little, of course.
We could live so well there.
Aren't we happy?
Yes, it's true. I'm mad. Kiss me.
- Will you come?
- As soon as I can.
Will you promise?
Do you think I need to?
Be careful, anyway.
I swear I'll come.
I mustn't miss the coach.
It blew so strong that day...