Where had she learned such
so deep and concealed that it
was almost immaterial?
One day, they parted early...
and, walking along the
she saw the walls of her
Her early married life, walks in
the woods...
the Vicomte waltzing all passed
before her eyes.
Leon suddenly seemed as remote
as the rest.
Yet I love him.
No matter, she wasn't happy.
She never had been.
Nothing was worth this quest.
Everything lied.
What is it?
A man in black brought it.
He said it was most urgent.
Law and justice to Mme Bovary.
What sentence?
Within twenty-four hours...
- ...pay the sum of 8,000 francs.
- What?
Forced by legal means...
and notably by the confiscation...
of her personal goods.
By buying on credit, borrowing...
signing notes...
she had gathered for Lheureux...
a sum that he was eager to
Have you heard the news?
I suppose it's a joke.
What do you mean?
My little lady...
did you think I'd supply you with
and money, out of kindness...
till the end of time?
I must recover my outlay. It's only
But just think: 8,000 francs!
The court upheld it and passed
Anyway, you know it's not me.
It's my accountant, Vincart.
But couldn't you...