And then when it happens it's like...
I don't feel anything.
But I know I'm gonna feel something later,
ljust don't know when that's gonna be.
I guess it's a protection device.
I hope I'm in a safe place
when it happens.
(shouts of "Madonna")
(Madonna) What's wrong with me?
I'm freaking out. I have Japanitis.
Let's walk.
- (Madonna) # We are in love
- (feedback)
# We are in love
# So please
Papa don't preach...
Stop. Stop.
- Stop. Stop.
- I'm on it!
Keith, you motherfucker!
(feedback quietens)
The level up here is not that loud and
there's no reason for all this feedback.
If we can't get it to sound better than this,
then I am not doing a show,
so someone who knows about sound
better come and explain something to me.
- I'm waiting.
- (man) She's getting pissed.
Why can't Donna and Niki
not hear themselves?
(Madonna) Where's John Draper?
- She sees me and the smile is gone.
- It's raining, Freddy.
- I know it is.
- You think it's funny.
No, I don't.
I don't think it's funny at all.
Get out. I'm having
a business talk. Goodbye.
- Ouch!
- How does it go? # La...
Who does she think she is, my mama?
Snatchin' on my head.
I only look white.
She sure is. She's really Mabel, remember
from What's Happening!! That's her.
I was born a poor, black child.