Madonna: Truth or Dare

Where are you going, Warren?
Bring some people back
cos I have to go home and sleep.

(high-pitched) It makes you look
well rested... not!

I'm trying to turn Warren
into a vegetarian.

I told him I wouldn't have his baby
unless he was a vegetarian.

- The light's good here, don't worry.
- Yeah, I think it's good if you lie down.

- That's AI Pacino.
- Nice to meet you.

- That's Mandy Patinkin.
- Hello. Hi. Nice to meet you.

Los Angeles was hard.
I always find it weird that
celebrities assume a friendship with you

just because you're a celebrity, too.
It can get kind ofawkward.

Warren thanks you all for coming.
- You were great.
- Thank you.

Thanks for having us.
That was really generous.

- Thanks for coming.
- We thought it was neat.

- Neat?
- Really neat.

- No one's described it quite that way. Hi.
- Hi.

Have fun tonight. I don't think
we'll be making that other deal.

- Not neat enough for you?
- Not quite.

- We gotta get with the kids.
- OK.

- I'm gonna give 'em this.
- All right.

- Thanks.
- God bless. Thanks.

Neat? Anybody who says
my show is neat has to go.

(Madonna) He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
He just wants to fuck me.
He really cares about me.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me. He loves me not.
He loves me. He loves me not.
