- before I make a decision.
- Come talk to me without everybody else.
- You're lying.
- I am not lying. I swear to God.
The police are there
and a rep from the DA's office.
Two plain-clothes policemen
saw the show yesterday.
- And they said?
- "Immoral live performance."
You shouldn't have told me, Chris.
I wanted to prepare you
that there's police there.
- Did you guys hear?
- What?
- That the police are here.
- Why?
If I touch my crotch,
I'm going to be arrested.
- Are you serious?
- What!
They arrested Bobby Brown
for fucking on stage.
Did they?
- That's called jealousy.
- I hope he's in jail when I get there!
Strictly as a legal question, does it help
if we go out on stage and someone says
"This show may contain
graphic material"?
Doesn't work. No, not here.
- (Jose) We're going to jail. I'm so excited.
- Dear Lord,
(group) Sh, sh!
this is our last night in Toronto,
the fascist state of Toronto.
I know my little babies are feeling fragile,
and I want you all to know that I love you
and I appreciate everything you're
doing for me. I'm here if you need me.
I want you to go out there tonight
and give everything that you have.
Have a great show and remember in the
united States there is freedom of speech.
And let's kick ass.
- Have a great show.
- Amen.
- Freddy, I ain't changing my show.
- I'll tell you what will happen,
and I'll give you the options.
They told me there's been complaints that
your simulated orgasms, blah, blah, blah
are against their rules and regulations,
blah, blah, blah...
- I am not changing my show, Freddy.
- I know, but wait while I straighten it out.
- What's to straighten out?
- Hopefully we can change their minds.
Freddy, all you have to do is
tell them I am not changing my show.