Spokesmen for Madonna say Metro
Police and the Crown Attorney's office
threatened to arrest the star last night
for "Iewd and obscene behaviour".
However, the police department
tonight has a different story.
Headquarters said officers checked out
the show on complaints from the public,
found nothing wrong
and left without incident.
Madonna released a statement saying she
would rather cancel the show than alter it.
(Madonna) Detroit was definitely
the hardest place we went to on the tour
on an emotional level.
God, going home is, well,
it'sjust never really that easy for me.
People talk about
how stardom changes you,
but they never talk about how
it can change the people close to you.
- Hi, Marty.
- Who is that?
How's it goin'?
This is my brother, Martin. Hi, Marty.
This is Donna.
Don't pay any attention to her!
- Niki, aren't you gonna say hi to Marty?
- Hi, Martin.
I feel that there is a pressure
because of my sister.
People are lookin' at me goin'
"How come you're not the manager?"
"How come you're not this,
the other, that and blah, blah, blah."
"You should be this, she's that." There
is something they measure against you.
Sometimes I cop an attitude
about it, but I deal with it.
Well, she's available.
- Talk to her. She's taking a nap right now.
- Oh, is she?