Madonna: Truth or Dare

to show everybody here that
I did make something out of my life.

Amen. Have a great show.
Well, I said it last night
and I'll say it again.

There's no place like home!
In addition to that,
there's nobody like this man.

There's nobody like my father,...
who's here tonight.
And I worship the ground
that he walks on.

And it's his birthday.
I was wondering if I could sing "Happy
Birthday" in front of 20,000 people.

Give it up for my dad!
OK. OK. This is my dad.
And I was wondering,
would you all sing it with me?

(shouts of "Yeah")
# to you
# Happy birthday to you
Come on, I can't hear you.
# Happy birthday, dear Dad
# Happy birthday to you
OK. Dad, I love you.
Detroit, I love you. Good night.
Thank you.
So, did my father disown me?
