Mississippi Masala

Sorry I'm late, Dad.
It don't make no difference.
Thought those two was
never gonna get up and leave.

Sat there all night
and forgot to leave a tip.

I don't know why you're so stubborn,
working for them slave wages.

What you want me to do?
Sit at home and catch flies?

What you know about
slave wages, anyway?

- Guess who called me tonight?
- Who?

- Alicia.
- Oh, yeah?

Sure was good
to hear her voice again.

I invited her to stop by on Sunday.
Daddy, what you do that for?
What happened between you
and her is your business.

But she always been
a part of this family.

She always will be,
so long as I'm alive.

Yes, sir.
- Hi, Mina.
- Hi, Harry.

- How are you doing?
- Fine.

That's the mother. Owns a liquor shop.
Can you imagine?

The father's a complete screw-loose.
