Relax. Wait a minute.
I ain't gonna sue.
- What?
- Hello?
Yeah, I'm here.
Look, what you doing
Sunday afternoon?
Nothing much.
Would you come to my house
and have dinner with me and my family?
I'd love to.
My father always used to say:
"They can take everything from you...
...but they can't take
away your education."
Papa, please.
...you are too intelligent to waste
your life cleaning bathrooms.
It makes me feel
I failed you as a father.
Look, Pa, there's nothing wrong
with cleaning bathrooms.
When you win your case...
...and you get your money...
...l'll think about college.
Sure is hot today, man.
Give me that.
Give me that wrench.
- Shit, look at this carburetor.
- Hi.