- How long you been in Mississippi?
- Three years.
- And before that? India?
- No, before that I was in England.
- And before that I was in Africa.
- Yeah?
- I've never been to India.
- Never been to India?
- No.
- You kidding.
No, I'm not.
I'm a mix Masala.
"Mix Masala," huh?
What's that? One of them
kind of, religious thing or...?
- What?
- No.
It's a bunch of hot spices.
You hot and spicy, huh?
Yeah, mix Masala.
That's what I'm gonna call you.
I told you. It's the Mexican...
I mean, that Indian girl.
Everybody, this is Mina.
She's from England
and India and Africa.
Anywhere else you're from?
- I'm his father. Williben.
- Nice to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
- Meet the family.
- Go on.
- Dexter, you turned that chicken over?
- Yeah, Money.
- This is my sister Rose.
- Mina.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- She tough, watch out for her.
- Don't pay him any mind.
- This is Dexter, my youngest son.
- Hi.