I'm sending my Namita to India
as soon as possible.
They get ideas from each other
and then it spreads like a disease.
- Can I speak to Mina, please?
- There's no Mina, she not here.
Are y'all having nigger trouble?
I guess I better call Bob at the bank.
After all, we did help him
get his loan.
There's nothing I can do.
I've already hired someone else.
You let down your family,
your community, your entire race!
I don't see no shortage of black women
around Greenwood.
The chamber of commerce
needs responsible people...
...and you're not exactly appropriate.
What's wrong with you, boy?
Don't you know the rules?
Daddy, I didn't do nothing wrong.
Mr. Morgan helped you get that loan
to start up this business.
Now, how am I gonna show my face
around them after this?
Oh, your Mr. Morgan.
He didn't give his own money.
All he done was to recommend
Demetrius to the bank.
You and the rest of them want him
to know his place and stay in it.
But the days of slavery,
they over, Williben.
- Yeah, boy.
- Hush.
- Where you going?
- To the barbershop.
- Well, I ain't through with you yet!
- I'm meeting the bank manager.
I know you don't want me to go
down there with a nappy head, do you?
I'm with you, brother.
You should leave. No use trying
to make a living in this dump.
When I need your advice,
I'll ask for it.
Hey, don't talk to me like that.
I'm on your side.
You know what they say to me?
They say:
"Your brother deserves
what happened.
He think he large now. Your brother
thought he got himself a white chick."