Do you?
They put you in jail.
After 34 years,
my brother Okelo told me:
"Africa is for Africans.
Black Africans."
After 34 years,
that's what it all came down to.
The color of my skin.
That's why we left.
Not because of Idi Amin
or anything like that.
Believe me.
I'm speaking from experience.
People stick to their own kind.
You are forced to accept that
when you grow older.
I'm only trying to spare you the pain.
Okelo risked his life to save yours.
I don't know what more proof
you could have of his love.
What do you remember?
You were just a child.
I remember.
I remember his face
when he came to say goodbye...
...and you wouldn't even look at him.
My suggestion is you settle out of court.
Save you a lot of time...
Why should we, Mr. Turnbull?
How can you expect any jury to believe
your client's in bed with a back injury?
Don't think we're ignorant Indians
who'll get scared and pay.
I'm a lawyer myself!
No court on earth will entertain
for one minute this fraudulent claim!
Why don't you just try me?