Mississippi Masala

What do you want?
Huh? What you chasing me for?
Your people done put me out of work.
What more do you want?

You walk into my life
from these fancy places.

I'm just a carpet cleaner. I've never
left Mississippi, but I was happy.

I was happy the way I was
till you come along after me...

...and God knows why.
All those years of building up
my business are gone.

Now I'm just the biggest joke
in Greenwood. Thank you.

You listen to me!
I never went after you. You chased me.

You asked me to your house,
you invited me to Biloxi...

You never told me your family
had trouble with black folks.

Well, you never asked.
You never once asked me about myself.

You know why? Because you were too
busy using me to make Alicia jealous.

Who told you that?
Nobody had to.
I'm not stupid, you know.

Anyway, your nightmare's over.
I just came to say goodbye.

- I'm moving back to Africa.
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

All right, I admit at first I...
Well, she was with that guy and I...
