You tell the
son of a bitch Faranzano,
the miserabile bestia.
I give him...
Don Faranzano.
Faranzano, I no
mean what I say.
You have been very loyal.
Done favors for me.
Always made your
payments on time.
Now, you've stopped paying.
I have to ask myself, "Why?"
No, no. Faranzano,
Mia piccola bambina she's sick.
I no have the money.
I no got the money.
Fat pig.
When I came from Sicily,
you went with me.
Now, you're drifting back
to that fat pig, Masseria.
- No! Faranzano...
- You are, I see.
No, no, no.
Tu sei mi padrone... Aaah!
I can't take chances.
If one man can desert me,
everybody can. Understand?
If you have to sell your
daughter, you will pay!
You have a pretty wife.
Usually, after children,
they get fat.
Nice sweet taste.
Get out of my house!
I felt your balls, so I
know why she needs her own.