He's telling this kid
there's a guy here,
very powerful, successful,
who's got a job for him.
Easy money.
You got that?
Good, get out of here.
Let's go.
Now he realizes.
Bugsy didn't tell him,
right? Me or you.
Got a job for me?
You just did it, kid.
Get lost.
Now do
you see?
Between you and me,
we're equals.
But other people,
they look to you.
What're you sayin', huh?
I'm your front man?
This ain't a con, Charlie.
You're it.
You're the one.
Tommy Reina,
Charlie, Meyer.
Good pal, gonna even
be a better partner.
From your mouth
to God's ear, hmm?
He's got a line on the
good stuff. How good?
Bottle in Bond
Scotch Whiskey.
I got a friend got a boxcar
sittin' on a spur in Philly.
He wants 35 G's.
I only got 10.
Who's this friend?