I don't know.
You give me such naches.
It's like pride, when a son
makes his father proud of him.
Look at you!
You're bigger than me now!
When war comes,
and it'll come,
the winner will be the one
who gets his enemy to trust him.
How do I do that?
You save his life.
Crew's takin'
steam tomorrow.
Boss wants you there.
Nobody's bigger
than you, A.R.
Seven-card stud.
Let me ask you something.
You ever dream
about this game?
I do... every night...
I got jacks up.
I'm lookin' at kings up.
I got four aces.
Oh, sh...
I'm looking at a straight flush.
Oh, looky here, looky here.
Looks who's high, huh?
A thousand.
Come on, come on. You in or out? I'm in.
It's my turn now.
You in or out?
Are you in?
What's the matter?
Did I make a wrong bet?
My number two.
Sit down
and get wet.