That was a beautiful
wedding, huh?
Always makes me
cry like a baby...
Young people
madly in love.
Isn't it funny?
I mean, isn't it funny
to hear...
things that you
can't believe.
Like, I've been hearing, Charlie,
you've been talking to people...
about the unions
and all that dogshit,
horseshit, pigshit!
I'm just tryin' to make
money, Joe... for you.
How come
I ain't heard of it?
All the guys
you was talking to...
thought you was talking
to them, not me!
After all, I am your
number two, right?
Holy Christ,
screw 'em.
We could be bigger than
theJews, bigger than the in'ish.
We could run
the whole fucking country.
You could be the next John D.
Rockefeller, if you let me do it for you.
See, Joe, it's
what I told ya's.
It's terrible what happened
to Rothstein, isn't it?
Yeah, fuckin' terrible.
He got hit
in his own hotel room.
It's scary.
Who, uh...
Who did it and why?
Who knows? Gambling debts,
mad-dog killer.
Who knows,
We're all shook up
around here.
You know, Charlie,
you're a swell guy.
But from now on,
you look the wrong way,
you fart in the
wrong din'ection...
Joe, you're always
complainin' I don't eat.
If I don't eat,
how am I gonna fart, huh?
He's funny!