It's true,
ain't it?
You changed. You're not
listening to your friends.
Listen to you!
You let Mad Dog Coll live.
He's already killed Rothstein,
and who knows who's next!
You blame me for A.R.'s
death. I don't blame you.
So what then?
I make one mistake.
Suddenly you...
you know everything.
Ah. Hey, you're gettin' a swelled head.
I see it. I do!
Meyer, don't ever
point your finger at me.
Oh, excuse me,
Mr. Bigshot!
Please, Charlie,
I need you alive.
I chose you as
our leader, remember?
Remember that.
You chose me?
That ain't what I remember.
What I remember is,
you didn't have it.
I didn't have it?
I didn't have what?
I didn't have the guts?
I didn't have the brains?
Don't make me say it, okay?
Fuck you. You got
somethin' to say?
Fuck you! You fucking got
something to say to me?
I could've let you die in
the streets. Come on, say it!
That's your second mistake,
you fuck.
Come on, Charlie.
Meyer, come on.
All right!
All right!
Look, you're
brilliant, okay?
But you ain't Italian.
You don't understand Italians.
Without me,
you don't last two weeks.
Yeah, because I would
screw up some Sicilian!
Yeah. But you
said it yourself.
I got it, whatever it is.
Now I'm gonna use it.
You got it!
You got what?
At least I've got the brains
not to make a fatal mistake.
Anna. You care about her.
You married her.
If you were out front,
she'd get hit.
And as tough as
you say you are,
you would never recover.
You see what I'm saying?
Without me,
you are a loser.