- Give it to me.
- I got it.
- He's gonna break my neck.
- He'll break your neck?
Just relax, Daddy. Come on.
You look beautiful anyway.
Cut. Cut. Cut.
There's the fucking purse.
You happy now?
It doesn't make any difference...
since we won't know
what was in there.
- What are you talking about?
- You're father's been drinking.
Big deal. He's nervous.
Keep your voice down.
You wanna make a scene?
You're making a scene
in front of all these people.
Dancing for the first time
as husband and wife...
Mr. James Urbanski
and his lovely bride, Joyce.
Oh, great.
Everybody's staring at us.
Have a lot of dough.
- I don't hear you.
- I said, I'm sorry.
Come here.
I'll bite your hand.
- Aren't they a lovely couple?
- You're an ass.
Mr. and Mrs. James Urbanski.
I guess they drifted apart from there.
I can't see why they bothered.
Joyce jumped at the chance
to marry Jimmy.
In her mind, he was a very good catch.
And after the wedding, Joyce continued
to confide in you about her problems?
Yeah, she did.
Can you tell us
what her complaints were?
Comes and goes as he pleases.
High all the time.
He was a heavy drug user.
This was a sore point with Joyce?