Give me $20. I feel lucky.
You're so lucky,
what do you need $20 for?
Don't make me angry.
You don't like me when I'm angry.
Just give me the fucking money.
- Where's the Tuinals?
- Here!
Take the money, take the drugs.
Burn yourseIf out.
Wait, wait. Cynthia?
Do me a favour.
Don't let her fuck around
with no other guys, all right?
The kid was fast as lightning
Before he leaves, Joyce gives James a
little money, some drugs and whatnot.
That's a little odd, isn't it?
You said that was one of Joyce's
complaints about James, the drugs.
I think in this particular situation,
she just didn't wanna fight with him.
And at some point,
it's gonna hit him.
At some point, he's gonna
just fall out incapacitated.
He won't be able to fight.
He won't resist.
lt never struck me that way.
That never crosses your mind?
When's the next time you see them?
They were arguing...
and I was over playing roulette.