How do we know he's okay?
Well, he's not dead. Listen.
He's not dead. He's just passed out.
It's a condition.
He really scared the shit
out of that lady.
What causes it? Sex?
Narcolepsy doctors are saying it's brought on
by certain chemical reactions in the brain.
Comes about in situations of stress.
Some hustler, huh?
Well, where are we
gonna take him?
We can't just leave him here.
Come on, Mikey.
[ Snoring ]
Hey, Mike, you stay here.
When you wake up, come back into town.
I'll be waiting for you.
You'll be safer here in this
comfy neighborhood than in the city.
- [ Woman Shouting ]
- [ Scott ] I grew up in a neighborhood like this.
- And my dad -
- [ Murmurs ]
he has more fucking
righteous gall...
than all the property
and people he lords over...
- and those he also created -
-[ Snoring Continues ]
like me, his son.
I almost get sick
thinking I am a son to him.
You know you have to be
as good as him to keep up.
You have to be able
to lift as big a weight.
You have to be able
to throw that weight as far...
or make as much money,
or be as heartless.
My dad doesn't know
that I'm just a kid.
He thinks I'm a threat.
[ Woman ] No, I won't listen.!
I won't listen to you.!
[ Glass Shatters ]
[ Gary ]
Hey, Scotty.! Come on,you big stud.!