And now look at me,
just a little better than wicked.
- I used to be a virtuous man.
- Ha!
Well, virtuous enough.
I swore a little. I never gambled
more than seven times a week! Poker!
I never picked up a street boy
more than once a quarter.
- Of an hour!
- Of an hour.
Bad company has corrupted me.
I'll be darned if I haven't forgotten
what the inside of a church looks like.
- [ Laughing ]
- I see a change for Bob to make.
From stealing... to preaching.
Stealing is my vocation, Scott.
- It's not a sin for a man -
- Hey, psst.!
to labor at his vocation.
Very early tomorrow morning
there's gonna be a bunch...
of small-time rock-and-roll promoters
coming back from their gig.
And every night they walk home
with the loot.
They stop by the Grotto Bar.
It's about a half-
No, it's about mile
down the road from here.
Dude, if we can't steal from
them going into the bar...
dude, we can get them comin'out.!
- See, Bob, dude?
- Not me.
[ Bob ] So long as I don't know these
guys personally, it's okay with me.
See, uh -They're from Beaverton,
new to the business.
I'm not gonna go along with this crackpot
scheme, especially since Gary thought it up.
Come off it, Mike.
There is a better way to make a buck...
something to fall back on
other than your ass.
I'll fall back when
Scott inherits his money.
[ Mike Coughing ]
[ Gary ] Bob, we don't need these guys.
We can do this ourself.Fuck them.!
- Come on, Mikey. I have a joke I want to play.
- Okay.
- Ajoke I can't pull off alone.
- Okay. I think that stuff was -
- [ Chuckling ]
- Bob!
- Aaah! Oh, my sweetheart.
- Oh!
- Come and rob with us tomorrow.
- I was going to anyway. I was just kidding.
- Good.
- Right? We'll have fun.
- All right.
- We'll be rich!
- Yeah, we'll be rich.
- We're gonna be rich.
- Gary says we'll be rich!
- We're gonna be rich!
[ Chanting Together ]
We're gonna be rich. We're gonna be rich.
- We're gonna be rich.
- [ Shouting ]
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Budd? Budd.
It's all right, Budd.
Budd,just -just relax, Budd.
Provide for us,
oh, great psychedelic papa!