You see him scarfthat poison down?
He doesn't really eat it.
It's sleight of hand.
The hell he doesn't. Been breathing in
the powder so long, it just makes him laugh.
Just like them roaches.
William Lee.
- What is this?
- He's Hauser. I'm O'Brien.
City Narcotics.
We're gonna take you downtown, Bill.
Little matter of possession
of a dangerous substance.
You've got quite a record, Bill.
A lot of drugs poured down the old vein.
I was a troubled person then.
I'm married now.
Straight. Got a good job.
That's good, Bill.
That's nice.
- What's this, then?
- That's my job.
I use it to kill bugs.
- He says it kills bugs.
- He could be right.
- I'd like to see it.
- Me, too.
- I'd like to see it, too.
- Well, gee.
I'd like to demonstrate, but I already
got rid of that last case of crabs I had.
Very funny, Bill.
But, you know...
I think we got a bug
around here somewhere.
You're right.
Let's see if that yellow stuff will kill it.