Naked Lunch

My God.
He's called Mugwump.
No point in feigning surprise.
You knew we would be
getting in touch with you.

Why else would you come
to a waterfront dive like this?

Why else?
I suggest a Clark Nova portable.
It has mythic resonance.
Clark Nova. A typewriter?
You suggest it for what?

For your report
from Interzone, of course.

Handwriting is not
considered professional.

My report.
And don't leave out
any of the tasty details -

the small red hole in the forehead...
the look of astonishment on her face.
Listen to me.
You'rejust gonna have to leave town...

and Interzone is the only place...
that'll have a shady character
like you at such short notice.

Take this.
Take what?
What is that?

Your ticket to Interzone.
Tourist class, I'm afraid...
but what can you expect these days?
We'll contact you there.
Hmm. It's commie trash.
And it's been fired very recently.
You use it in a holdup?
