Come on, I'll showyou
toyour room.
I'm notanti-business,Jake.
But I'm not gonna letyou
pave over parks with concrete eyesores.
You cripple construction,
you cripple the country.
You campaigned for me soyou could have
a connection on the Hill.
-I don't deserve that.
-You've gotten greedy.
You're trying to turn me
into what we both hated.
Good boy, Ryder.
Yeah. Good boy.
Come on. Come on, Ryder.
-They grow like that with points?
The Book ofLight.
That's all about healing and crystals.
And stupidjunk!
I'm going out to play.
Delia, come back here.
No, it's okay, Mrs. York.
Let her get used to me a little.
She'll get used toyou
after she apologizes. Excuse me.
They're all black!
Noah, canyoucome over?
Ineedto talk.
You feel it too?
Tightening in the throat?
-Ever since I got here.
Energy's real low.
Look at my palms.