-Is that the girl?
What doyou get from her?
Very weird.
It's more like a... It's more
like a muddy pool than an aura.
It's like mud and molasses.
Swirls ofred paint.
Does that mean
what I think it does?
A verynegative life force.
-Red means violence.
-She's got a violent streak, all right.
Swirled together like that,
it means rage and chaos.
Is she dangerous?
Why don'tyou get her
on my turf?
Bring her to the fair.
Let others see her.
That was my plan.
Why don'tyou get out?
I'll seeyou at the fair.
-Areyou all right?
Your creepy friend
almost caused an accident.
-Was he drunk?
-No, Mrs. York.
He was sick.
You saw him, Delia.
He was sweating,
he couldhardly catch his breath.
Maybe he was sick.