What wereyou doing?
Asking for guidance.
I just want to helpyou, Delia.
-Ifyou'll just help me to understand.
About what happened
at the psychic fair...
and other things.
About the trouble with the kids
at school, starting with kindergarten.
I know theywere
unkind toyou there.
Yes.Jerome teased me.
He stuck gum in my hair,
kicked in my lunch pail. He hit me.
Is that whyyou hurt him?
I didn't hurt him.
He was a sissy.
And then his fatherwas killed
in that terrible accident.
-How did you feel about that?
-I don't know.
In my bathroom, the cross?
Upside down?
-Doyouknow what thatmeans?
-Who taught that toyou?
-My father.
Your father taughtyou that?
My father... is your father.
I don't... I don't understand.
What's the matterwith you?
Why did you do that?
What evil madeyou do that?