-He toldus ifwe stopped
-Iknow, but...
But what? We were both tested,
and there was nothing wrong.
There was a 50-50 chance
you'd get pregnant, and you did.
-Now, be happy.
-I am happy.
I'm just not going
to let anything happen.
-What could happen?
-I don't know.
-I gotta go. Have a good one.
Have a good day.
Mrs. York!
Youshould've seenherface.
She doesn't want me
to have this baby.
Karen, come on. How can you say
something like that?
She wouldn't try to hurtyou.
You said yourself, it'sjust a game.
Childrenjust don't know
when to stop.
I thinkyou'rejust...
I thinkyou're nervous...
Oh, that's gonna be an umbrella excuse
forwhatever I'm feeling
over the next fiive months.