Doctor says, "You're pregnant".
She says, "I want a second opinion".
He says, "Okay, you're ugly".
One ofthe niceties I miss
about having dinner is saying grace.
Delia, doyouremember
ofthanks I taughtyou?
Sureyou do.
Thankyou, Lord,
-for Thybountifulgifts...
-I don't remember it!
Audible prayers can
sometimes be embarrassing.
-Let's voteagainstit, huh?
-Not everything is up for a vote, Gene.
h, youmustbe Mrs. York.
-Hello. Father Mattson?
-Yes. How doyou do? Congratulations.
Thankyou. I'm six months.
Father, I need your advice.
I want to know ifyou're familiar
with this New Age book.
-Please, let's go inside.
There are severalBible
references in this book.
-One is from Revelations. Right here.
-Ah, yes.
"And he stood on the sand
ofthe seashore..."
Where is it? "And I saw a beast
coming up out ofthe sea,
having ten horns and seven heads.
And on his horns were ten diadems.
And on his heads
were blasphemous names".
The Book of Revelations
will be argued until the Apocalypse.
But we believe thebeast
tobe theAntichrist.
In God's eyes,
that's exactlywhat he is: a beast.
The tenhorns are a confederation
The seven heads are the seven leaders
who will give him their allegiance.