You did it again.
You found an excuse.
Way back in your childhood, you found
a corollarywith what happened today.
She told us what happened.
It never occurred toyou that she
might not be telling the truth?
No, Karen,
it never occurred to me.
I should guess you're
about eight months along.
Oh, about eight months, two days,
and 12 hours and 23 minutes.
You have no idea what happened
to SisterYvonne?
She chose a secular life.
That's all I can tell you.
-No contact at all?
Forwarding address?
I don't think so.
There's something wrong,
isn't there?
I'll see ifl can fii nd some address
that might helpyou.
Doyou think it's possible...
for a child to be born evil?
A child is not born evil.
It's the world it's born into...
that's fiilledwith evil.
-Butyou believe in original sin?
But there are degrees ofsin.
To what degree it will be manifested...
depends on how close
we come to God.