This photograph was taken years ago
at St. Francis Orphanage.
There's more.
There's so much more.
There's arash ofthings
thathave happenedovertheyears.
A Kirlianphotograph
that was takenbyapsychic. Noah.
I can getyou his last name.
It started with the baptism.
There was a terrible accident
with Father Hayes. Then there wasJo.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Slowdown, slowdown.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry!
-It's all right.
It'sjust that so much has happened.
I'm fii ne, I'm fii ne.
Come here. Come on.
Citizen'sAction Committee.
-Theypavedthe way foryourhusband.
Smell a rat?
Hell ofa world, huh?
Yeah. It's a hell ofa world.
Ihave toldyouall Ican, Mr. Knight.
The law prevents me from giving you
the names of Delia's biological parents.
Mrs. York already toldyou they were
ayoung couple at the university...
who got careless.
Reverend Mother,
did we order two clowns to perform?
Ofcourse not!
What in Lord's name?
Excusemeamoment, Mr. Knight.