Omohide Poro Poro Only Yesterday
Translated by ``The Poro x2 Project'':
Poro part 1 translated by Hana Kawashima and Brad Lucido.
Poro part 2 translated by Yohei Honda and Bryan Wilkinson.
Revisions, first draft editing, and annotations by Bryan Wilkinson.
Yohei Honda was consultant for some revisions and annotations,
providing much additional translation from the books named in the
bibliography on request.
Second draft editing by Enrique Conty, David Goldsmith, and Bryan
Translation of "Ai wa Hana, Kimi wa Sono Tane" (Love is a flower, you
are the seed) (The Rose) by Theresa Martin.
Translation of "Koke Kokko no Uta" (Cock-a-doodle Song) by Lee Collins
and David Goldsmith.
Title timing by Argyle of Sock
Retiming & SSA by undercut
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